Healthy Mouth.
Whole Life.
I help dentists, therapists, families and the medical community find a clear path to new solutions in the most challenging situations so that the impossible is made possible.
My real job is to spark those ah-ha moments with my expertise in oral health so that you get the answers you need and want.
Meet Melissa
Myofunctional Therapist | Speaker |Educator
Our health care is often broken into pieces. We are told to go to various doctors and therapists to address problems individually, rather than seeing our health issues as an opportunity to connect the dots with the whole body in mind.
If you have:
broken sleep, get a sleep study done.
undesirable behavior from your child, go to a therapist.
a picky eater, get occupational therapy.
a child that snores, go to the doctor.
a child with a speech impediment, go to a speech therapist or pathologist.

When we take a step back and see the body as a whole, we can often see how many aliments actually stem from one source, the mouth.
My work in the fields of Orthodontics and Pedodontics, along with being a registered dental hygienist gave me the opportunity to see the mouth as a gateway to whole body health.
In 2014 I became a Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist to tie all my experience and knowledge together so that I could begin to help patients, with a focus on the whole body,.
As I gathered hundreds of case studies, I began to share this approach with providers, patients, and parents around the world.
What if the answers to your health are actually in your mouth? I'm here to help you connect the dots to your whole health.
What is Myofunctional Therapy?
Highly Effective Physical Therapy Exercises to Improve Breathing, Bite, and Orofacial Posture.
The habits we develop in our youth inevitably translate to behaviors later in life. By training the muscles in the face to act in their optimal biological way, muscle memory can keep the teeth and jaw in alignment as we grow and develop. (In many cases eliminating the need for future orthodontics).
"Braces are cool and all, but if you could have the chance to avoid needing them, why not right? Check out Alanna and Zakkory working hard on their tongue activities with Melissa, our Myologist, to stregthen their Myofunctional muscles. Be sure to call our office and schedule your child for a free consultation!"
- Zakkory Wilson
My kids all have AMAZING results after only one month of using Myobrace!!! His teeth look fantastic. Not only is his scissor bite gone in less than a month but the entire shape of his teeth is better, a U shape instead of a V and much more space for his teeth to grow in correctly/straight!!! If you have little ones I HIGHLY recommend a myobrace with Melissa. The best part? Not once was he in pain from braces, the muscles in his mouth are strengthening and in the right form. Plus it's cheaper than braces
- Chantal Rainford
"I love this office.. I take my daughter here for her myobrace since she had an under bit. But Melissa has worked wonders!"
-Affordable Kids Dental
Conversations for Parents to get the answers they need...now.

Conversations to give parents a clear path to health.
If your child has experienced...
Sleep issues
Picky eating
Mouth Breathing
Speech Impediments
This conversation is for YOU. We will discuss the connection between myofunctional therapy and the whole health of your child. Melissa will share the solutions and Heather will share how to have the hard conversations to get your needs met.